Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Our Book List

--- A list of books we have read together and our rating of them---

*  Never read again
* *  Not likely to read again
* * *  Interesting, possible read again
* * * *  Enjoyable, read again
* * * * *  A classic to be read over and over!

Hear Comes the Garbage Barge     Jonah Winter     * * *    (Fun and engaging story, mild language)
The Velveteen Rabbit     Margery Williams     * * * * *    
Go Dog, Go      P. D. Eastman     * * * * *     (What can I say!? A classic I grew up with)
Never Cry Woof     Jane Wattenberg     * *     (Not our style)
The Wind in the Willows     Abridged     * * * * *      (Delightful story and pictures)
Dougal the Garbage Dump Bear     Matt Dray     * * *
Jillian Jiggs     Phoebe Gilman     * * * * *
Hurry Up, Franklin     Paulette Bourgeouis     * * *
Love You Forever     Robert Munsch     * *     ( I couldn't get over the obsessive mother who wouldn't let her boy out of her sight!)
Anansi and the Moss-Covered Rock     Eric A. Kimmal     * * * * *     (Anansi is a favorite with the kids)
Anansi and the Talking Melon     Eric A. Kimmal     * * * *
Green Eggs and Ham     Dr. Suess     * * * * *     (This was so fun to read aloud to the kids!)
The Hair Book     Graham Tether     * * * * *     
Ladybug Girl at the Beach     David Soman and Jacky Davis     * * * *      (Specially for my timid Katie-Girl, lovely artwork)
Franklin is Messy      Paulette Bourgeois     * *     (I don't care for Franklin)
Hurry Up Franklin     Paulette Bourgeois     * *

1 comment:

  1. Oh I like this! Definitely some of my favourite books on those lists. I agree with your assessment of Love You Forever though. :)
