Thursday, August 3, 2017

Our Eggs are Hatching!!

Who ever thought we would get so much enjoyment out of a $1.50 'toy' from the dollar store??
These little eggs take about 12 to 24 hours to hatch and then the baby needs to grow for a day or so more before you can play with it. Jem picked a lizard, Katie picked a snake, and Vienna is hatching a alligator. I must admit to being interested in the crazy things myself, and I think I might just buy a bunch more next time I am at Dollarama for gifts ect...

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Curriculum Choices 2017/2018

After much time, effort, frustration and head scratching, not to mention being interrupted by two little children bawling their eyes out from three (THREE!!!) bee stings in less then 10 minutes... I have some hopes of smoothing out in my mind WHAT I am doing this year.

--Lenna, please see the notes for questions I have, thank you!--

For Math:
   Jem will do Horizons Math 1
   Katie will do Horizons Math K

For Language Arts:
   Jem will do Just Write Book 1 and Explode the Code 3 & 4
   Katie will do Write about Me and Get Ready for the Code C
   And together we will read 2 Progeny Press book studies, I have ordered 'Bears on Hemlock Mountian' and 'the Courage of Sarah Noble'

   *Note* It was also suggested that I add Language 2 from A Beka for Jem, and Letters and Sounds K5 also from A Beka for Katie. I would like to pass with that as it seems like a lot of extra work that might be covered already, but I am really not sure... Please give me advice?

For Social Studies:
   Jem will do Canada Map Book 1
   Katie will do My Very First Primary Map Book
   And together we will go through My Kindergarten Social Studies Bundle  as well as ordering from the library some of the books included in these bundles, rather then buying them.

For Science:
   Together we will go through the Sonlight Science A and also read Earth's Water Cycle, The Water Cycle, and What is the World Made of? Solids, Liquids and Gases

   *Note* I have not officially ordered this Sonlight Science A, because this is one that I am really not sure HOW to order using my PO#, if you could advise me on this specifically that would be lovely!

For Reading:
   Jem and Katie will be going through Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read levels 4,5 & 6 together, I hope this will help Jem with reviewing what he learnt last year and give him a good foundation in this area that he struggles with. I have hopes that Katie will do well with this too, she will be totally new to phonics/reading!

   These are things that will just get done through daily life. My kids are extremely active outside, they love to color, paint, model with play dough ect, and we do family devotions twice daily with them, so I do not plan to get any structured curriculum for these subjects.