Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Tower of Babel

^^Our Bible reading this morning inspired me^^

^^Coloring a robot and having a chat with Oma^^

"WHAT is she saying!?"

Reading about the tower of Babel today I was trying to explain to the kids about different languages in the world. We talked about our friends Matt and Caitlin who are going to Northern Canada to help translate the Bible into the Cree dialect. I used Daddy as a example, if he was trying to frame a house and all his worker spoke a different language how would they understand each other? Then I got Oma to talk to Jem on the phone in Dutch. Now we are off to try our hand at making mud bricks like the ones they may have used for building the tower of Babel. If they turn out I will post a picture with my week review.

1 comment:

  1. I love opportunities like this to springboard interesting discussions! So many wonderful learning opportunities embraced!

    His facial expression in this photograph is priceless. :)
